Θλίψη για εκδημία του π. Χαράλαμπου Στεφανόπουλου

Ο αείμνηστος π. Χαράλαμπος Στεφανόπουλος. Φωτογραφία: Ευγενική παραχώρηση Greek Orthodox Retired Clergy Association

ΝΕΑ ΥΟΡΚΗ. Απίστευτη η θλίψη και η συγκίνηση που προκάλεσε στην κοινότητα του Καθεδρικού Ναού της Αγίας Τριάδας στο Μανχάταν και κατ΄επέκταση στην ομογένεια η εκδημία του πρωτοπρεσβύτερου Χαράλαμπου Στεφανόπουλου (Reverend Robert George Stephanopoulos, PhD.

Κι αυτό διότι το 86ο ετήσιο δείπνο του Καθεδρικού Ναού της Αγίας Τριάδας στο Μανχάταν, το οποίο έλαβε χώρα προ δύο περίπου εβδομάδων ήταν αφιερωμένο στον π. Χαράλαμπο Στεφανόπουλο και στην αείμνηστη πρεσβυτέρα Νίκη Στεφανοπούλου.

Ο αείμνηστος την Τετάρτη, 19η Ιουνίου 2024 άφησε την τελευταία του πνοή σε ηλικία 89 ετών.

Ο θάνατός τους καταλυπεί τα παιδιά του μοναχή Αγαπία (Mother Agapia), τον Γιώργο (George), την Μαργαρίτα (Marguarite) και τον Ανδρέα (Andrew) την νύφη Alexandra Wentworth, τις εγγονές Elliott Anastasia και Harper Andrea Stephanopoulos, τα ανίψια, τα ξαδέλφια και τους λοιπούς συγγενείς και φίλους εδώ και στην Ελλάδα.

Τις λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με την Εξόδιο Ακολουθία του π. Χαράλαμπου Στεφανόπουλου θα τις κοινοποιήσουμε μόλις ανακοινωθούν από την οικογένεια.

Παραθέτουμε το πλήρες κείμενο της ανακοίνωσης της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής Αμερικής το οποίο εκδόθηκε μόνο στην αγγλική γλώσσα:

Reverend Robert George Stephanopoulos, PhD, Dean Emeritus Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, fell asleep in the Lord yesterday, June 19, 2024. Fr. Robert served with distinction from 1982-2007 as Dean of the Cathedral. Fr. Bob, as he was affectionately called, was a respected, dedicated, loyal and well-loved clergyman, who loved each community he served. He retired in 2007 and relocated in 2017 to Ohio where he remained until his passing. Just last year, Presvytera. Nikki Stephanopoulos, his beloved Presvytera, fell asleep in the Lord. Fr. and Pres. were known and admired across the county and truly made an impact on each and every community they served.

A renowned ecumenist, theologian, lecturer and pastor, Fr. Robert developed innovative social outreach programs in the greater Cathedral community. Foremost among them the Cathedral Fellowship, a program that has involved hundreds of young professionals in the church and community. Also, through his initiative, the Cathedral became a founding member of the Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter, which continues today. His Thursday evening Bible Study for adults from their 20’s to 70’s was known for its interaction and spirited discussion. In May 2024, Fr. and Pres. were honored by Holy Trinity Cathedral for their outstanding service and their devotion to the Church and community.

Fr. Stephanopoulos was born in Neohorian, Elias, Greece in November 1934. He met Pres. Nikki, when he was a seminarian, in 1954 at a GOYA Conference in Minneapolis, and they were married in June 1958 at SS. Anagyroi Church in Rochester, MN. He was ordained a Deacon at SS. Constantine & Helen Church in Cambridge, MA in October 1959 and a Priest at Taxiarchae church in Watertown, MA in November 1959. Before his assignment to the Archdiocesan Cathedral, Fr. served at Sts. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, Cleveland, OH (1966-1974-1982), Church of Our Savior, Rye, NY (1966-1974) and Saint Demetrios, Fall River, MA (1959-1966).

Additional positions and publications are listed below: 1990-1992 Chairman – Membership Constituent Comm., NCCUSA, 1970-1975 Archdiocese Director – Ecumenical Affairs, GOA. 1970-1974 General Secretary – SCOBA, 1972-1974 Recording Secretary – NCCUSA, 1972-1974 Orthodox Consultant to Faith and Order, NCCUSA, 1970-1974 President – Holy Cross Alumni, HC/HC.

Founding Member – Orthodox Consultations with Catholics, Anglicans, Evangelicals & Jews, Participant – Dec. 1991 Church Leaders Middle East Peace Pilgrimage, 7th Assembly World Council of Churches, Canberra, Australia. Aug. 1974 NCCUSA Delegation to USSR


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